Lowell Suring's Awards and Professional Recognition


Elected as a Fellow of The Wildlife Society by the Society’s Council in recognition of exceptional service to the wildlife profession. Fellows are selected worldwide through a highly selective, peer-review process, based on their records of service to the profession, scientific achievement, and original contributions that have advanced the understanding of the ecological relationships of wildlife.


USDA Forest Service Certificate of Merit for extraordinary performance and never-ending dedication to wildlife ecology (National Wildlife Ecology Program - February 2009).

Recognition for high quality performance as Wildlife Ecologist to the Interior West, 2001-2008 (Washington Office Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Air and Rare Plants Staff - February 2009).


USDA Forest Service Certificate of Merit for outstanding achievements in developing the wildlife component of the Interior Northwest Landscape Analysis System (INLAS) (Pacific Northwest Research Station - October 2004).

USDA Forest Service Certificate of Merit for outstanding achievements in developing a species assessment protocol for use in Forest Plan revisions (Pacific Northwest Region - July 2004).


USDA Forest Service Certificate of Merit for superlative work in developing methods for regional assessment of sagebrush habitats in western North America and the application of these methods in the Great Basin (Pacific Northwest Research Station - October 2003).


USDA Forest Service Certificate of Merit for outstanding dedication and hard work in developing the National Protocol for Existing Vegetation Classification and Mapping (Washington Office - Ecosystem Management Coordination - April 2003).


Recognition for exceptional contributions to the conservation of Alaska's wildlife through science, sound management principles, and sustained commitment (USDA Forest Service, Audubon Alaska, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service - April 2001).


USDA Forest Service Certificate of Merit for Sustained Superior Performance, Quality Step Salary Increase (Chugach National Forest - December 1999).


USDA Forest Service Certificate of Merit for Special Act: work with individuals, agencies, and groups outside the Forest Service in the conservation of brown bears on the Kenai Peninsula (Chugach National Forest).


Recognition for outstanding contribution to wildlife conservation in southeast Alaska (Alaska Department of Fish and Game - January 1993).


USDA Forest Service Director's Award, Alaska Region Biologist of the Year.


USDA Forest Service Certificate of Merit for dedicated support and performance in producing the 1981 - 86 and 1986 - 90 Alaska Pulp Company Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement.


USDA Forest Service Certificate of Merit for Special Act, Implementation of the Timber Sale Program Reporting System (TSPIRS) on the Tongass National Forest.


USDA Forest Service Certificate of Appreciation for contributions in the preparation of the Land and Resource Management Plan for the Chippewa National Forest (March 1986).


Colorado State University Hill Memorial Fellowship.

1977 - 1978

Colorado State University Graduate Research Assistantship.

1971 - 1973

Oregon State University Graduate Research Assistantship.

1968 - 1970

Wisconsin State Leadership Grants.


Wisconsin Federation of Garden Club's Conservation Award.