Lowell Suring's Professional Experience

2009 - Present

Northern Ecologic L.L.C.
10685 County Road A
Suring, Wisconsin 54174

I provide natural resource services for clients with an emphasis on management and conservation of wildlife populations and their habitats.

2001 - 2009

National Wildlife Ecology Unit
USDA Forest Service
Aquatic Science Laboratory
Boise, Idaho 83702

I facilitated incorporation of science into management of wildlife habitat on public lands throughout the interior West through assessments of habitat capability and habitat threats over large areas and through development of habitat assessment techniques and processes. I emphasized conservation of habitats for greater sage-grouse and other species of concern associated with the sagebrush ecosystem. This included development of a process for identifying species of conservation concern, habitat capability models for species of concern, and multispecies conservation strategies.

1993 - 2001

Chugach National Forest
USDA Forest Service
3301 C Street, Suite 300
Anchorage, Alaska 99503

I implemented the wildlife ecology and habitat management programs on the Chugach National Forest. The wildlife ecology program was accomplished through field studies, development and implementation of habitat capability and cumulative effects models, and assistance to District biologists. To provide additional financial support I developed grant proposals to secure funding from within the Forest Service and from external non-profit foundations. In addition to completing field studies with National Forest Systems personnel, I established contracts with other agencies and private companies to provide statistical support and to provide assistance with data collection. Following data collection through field studies or remote censusing I utilized Arclnfo and ArcView geographic information systems (GIS) software and PC-based statistical packages (e.g., SYSTAT) to analyze and present data on wildlife-habitat relationships. These data were used to develop analytical tools that were applied through GIS technology to assess management practices. I provided support to Forest Service and other agencies biologists to apply these tools, assisted planning teams in interpretation of results, and presented the findings to decision makers in the Forest Service and other agencies. For example, I led the development of a cumulative effects model for brown bear on the Kenai Peninsula using information collected by the Interagency Brown Bear Study Team. This model was the primary tool used to assess the effects of management actions on brown bears. I also directed the habitat management program on the 2.23 million hectare Chugach NF through coordination with District and Regional Office biologists and administration of an $800,000 budget.

1987 - 1993

Alaska Region
USDA Forest Service
709 West 9th Street
Juneau, Alaska 99802

I developed or coordinated development of analytical techniques based on research results that were responsive to National Forest management needs. I led Region-wide efforts or made significant contributions to Regional efforts to: 1) identify management indicator species (MIS), 2) develop and implement habitat capability/suitability models, 3) describe and manage for biological diversity, 4) define and manage old-growth forests, 5) identify and implement required monitoring, and 6) manage for population viability and distribution of wildlife species. The majority of my time (i.e., 60%) was spent identifying and modelling the habitat relationships of MIS using geographic information systems (GIS) on a landscape scale. Models were developed through interagency task groups, verified through the GIS, evaluated through field studies, presented to field biologists and managers, and implemented using the GIS. Approximately 20% of my time was spent in the development of comprehensive, landscape-level management strategies for the maintenance of viable, well distributed populations of species associated with old-growth forests in Alaska. I also provided leadership for the Alaska Region's neotropical migratory bird program (10% of my time). In this role I developed and initiated a region-wide monitoring program and participated in a national effort to establish guidelines for monitoring on National Forest System lands.

1984 - 1987

Tongass National Forest
USDA Forest Service
Federal Building
Ketchikan, Alaska 99801

I served as Area Coordinator of the Alaska Region's Wildlife Habitat Relationships (WHR) Program on the southern portion of the Tongass National Forest. I developed, verified, and applied state-of-the-art, computer-based, techniques for: 1) assessing quality of habitat for wildlife, 2) determining and displaying the relationships of wildlife species with their habitat over the landscape, 3) identifying conflicts and trade-offs associated with development and utilization of natural resources, and 4) establishing habitat management goals. I designed and coordinated special studies to provide information concerning habitat relationships of wildlife (e.g., importance of riparian habitats to wildlife). I ensured the transfer of information concerning the development and application of analytical techniques through technical publications, presentation of technical papers, and consultations with field biologists. I assisted interdisciplinary teams in the application of the WHR Program's methods and techniques during planning for land management activities.

1981 - 1984

Chippewa National Forest
USDA Forest Service
200 Ash Avenue NW
Cass Lake, Minnesota 56633

I served on the Chippewa National Forest's Interdisciplinary Planning Team as the expert in conservation of wildlife, range, and fish resources. I participated in the determination of management issues on the Forest and in the development of strategies to address those issues. I analyzed and modeled the effects of management practices on wildlife and fish habitats and their populations and range resources and integrated the results with other resources through computer modelling. Guidelines, standards, and procedures for wildlife and fish habitat management and mitigation were developed. I assisted with public involvement activities and inter- and intra-agency coordination concerning the Forest Plan. I authored portions of the Forest's Land Management Plan and associated Environmental Impact Statement. I prepared special reports to document the analytical procedures used to incorporate wildlife resources into the planning process and to ensure compliance with the National Forest Management Act. The process I adapted and implemented for analysis of population viability became a standard for the Eastern Region of the Forest Service; I consulted on application of the process throughout the Region.

1980 - 1981

Chippewa National Forest
USDA Forest Service
200 Ash Avenue NW
Cass Lake, Minnesota 56633

As the Forest Biologist I developed and initiated plans and budgets for the Chippewa National Forest's wildlife, fish, and range programs. I recommended and coordinated implementation of habitat management and mitigation practices beneficial for wildlife and consistent with multiple-use management. Annual monitoring of deer, ruffed grouse, and woodcock populations was coordinated and conducted with State and Federal agencies. I conducted annual monitoring of bald eagle and osprey nesting territories to determine population trends and nesting success and to provide information for management plans for individual territories. I developed management plans for bald eagle nesting territories and reviewed plans developed by District biologists. I also coordinated the needs of other threatened, endangered, and sensitive species with Forest management activities. I provided wildlife expertise for the Forest's Integrated Pest Management Program. I coordinated the Forest's administrative study on the use of cattle grazing for site preparation. I served on a Regional team to establish a Regional Wildlife Management Information System (a computerized system to inventory habitats, prescriptions, and accomplishments).

1978 - 1980

USDI Fish and Wildlife Service
New Mexico Ecological Service Field Office
2105 Osuna NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87113

I was responsible for evaluating the effects of Federally funded or licensed projects and activities on wildlife and fish habitats and populations in north-central New Mexico. I designed, conducted, and coordinated interagency field studies. These studies evaluated the quality of habitats (with an emphasis on riparian habitats) in project areas for representative indicator species and projected the effect of the proposed projects on habitat quality. I prepared reports detailing the methods, results, and conclusions of such studies and recommended mitigation and enhancement measures for inclusion in project planning. I also evaluated and made recommendations concerning applications for permits to dredge or fill wetlands and associated riparian habitats. I evaluated the potential effect of projects and activities on threatened and endangered species. I then made preliminary recommendations to Federal agencies concerning the need for formal Section 7 consultation under the Endangered Species Act. I initiated contacts with National Forests and Bureau of Land Management Districts in New Mexico and served as the Fish and Wildlife Service liaison during their land management planning efforts. This included assessment of grazing practices on Federal lands throughout the State and their potential effect on wildlife and fish resources.

1977 - 1978

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Biology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521

I conducted research on the effects of site factors on vegetation dynamics in disturbed pinyon-juniper woodlands in northwest Colorado. A series of pinyon-juniper sites that were disturbed by mechanical methods at different times to enhance forage production for cattle were examined. The composition of vegetation was measured through line-intercept, line-transect, and frequency plot methods. Site factors (including detailed soils analyses) were also evaluated. Computer methods were used to apply statistical analysis techniques to the data to evaluate relationships between vegetation development, site factors, and time since disturbance. The objective of this work was to provide a means to predict the response of vegetation following similar management activities and to evaluate those activities as mitigation for modification of wildlife habitat through development of oil shale resources.

1975 - 1977

Endangered Species Unit
Department of Environmental Conservation
Wildlife Resources Center
Delmar, New York 12954

As leader of the New York State Endangered Species Unit I was responsible for developing and directing a new program to conserve and protect wildlife species at risk throughout the State. Initial emphasis was placed on research to determine the ecological relationships of identified endangered species and to assess the status of their populations. Species studied included bald eagle, osprey, massasauga rattlesnake, bog turtle, and Karner blue butterfly. Information generated was used to develop management strategies to ensure their recovery. The development and implementation of innovative techniques were often necessary to achieve management objectives (e.g., restoration of bald eagle populations through hacking). I was personally involved in research concerning bald eagle nesting and wintering habitats and supervised all phases of other research in the Unit. I also pursued an aggressive program of habitat protection through which agreements were negotiated with private individuals, corporations, and State and Municipal agencies to protect areas of essential habitat. I was also responsible for all phases of annual program and budget development, long-range planning, and personnel administration.

1974 - 1975

Biometrics Section
Department of Environmental Conservation
Wildlife Resources Center
Delmar, New York 12954

As Leader of the New York State Bureau of Wildlife's Biometrics Section I was responsible for coordinating State-wide collection, tabulation, and analysis of wildlife survey, inventory, and monitoring data. I developed and implemented procedures for State-wide data collection and analysis and reviewed data collection designs developed by other biologists in the Bureau of Wildlife. The Section provided training for data collection procedures to biologists throughout the State. Information was collected by the Section concerning characteristics of wildlife users and the harvests and biological characteristics of white-tailed deer, black bear, turkey, pheasant, and selected furbearers. Close liaison was maintained with computer systems units to ensure proper preparation of the data. My staff and I analyzed the data, prepared reports, and provided consultation to species experts concerning the development of harvest regulations and other management strategies. My Section was also responsible for providing statistical analysis services and computer-support services to other units in the Bureau of Wildlife. I maintained annual work plans, developed yearly and long-term budgets, and administered all personnel matters associated with the Section.

1971 - 1974

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon 97331

I conducted research on the ecological relationships of the endangered Columbian white-tailed deer in Washington and Oregon to provide the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with information essential for the management and subsequent recovery of these deer. I placed emphasis on determining the habitat relationships of these deer and collected additional information on movements, behavior, activity patterns, and population dynamics. Riparian plant communities along the Columbia River were described and the significance of identified communities to deer was investigated. I studied the relationships between deer, cattle, and agricultural practices and consulted with National Wildlife Refuge managers during the development of range and agricultural management plans. Deer were captured by several methods and were marked to aid in the determination of movement patterns and home range and behavioral characteristics. Population parameters of these deer were investigated in an effort to describe their population dynamics.


Washington Department of Wildlife
600 North Capitol Way
Olympia, Washington 98501

I assisted in the operation of hunter check stations in Washington State where I collected information on the population parameters of harvested ungulates. I collected sex and age data and morphological measurements from deer and elk brought through check stations. Hunters were also interviewed to determine their hunting success, hunting methods, and area of residence.


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Bureau of Research
Horicon, Wisconsin 53032

I was involved with the capture and banding of migratory waterfowl throughout southern Wisconsin in a study of the demographic characteristics of waterfowl populations. Capture methods included night-lighting, bait-trapping, and cannon-netting. I was responsible for the completion of specific banding assignments given to my banding crew and for ensuring that results of banding efforts were documented and submitted to the project supervisor. Additional responsibilities included maintenance and repair of vehicles, airboats and motors, and banding equipment.

1969 - 1971

College of Natural Resources
University of Wisconsin
Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481

During the spring terms of these 3 years I collected information necessary for monitoring prairie grouse populations in central Wisconsin. Observations were also made of reproductive behavior on display grounds. During 1970 and 1971 I supervised the census efforts of a 5-person crew working over a 15,500 hectare study area. I synthesized and summarized monitoring data for preliminary progress reports.

1966 - 1967

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Fisheries Management
White Lake, Wisconsin 54491

During the summers of these 2 years I was involved with the maintenance and enhancement of riparian and aquatic habitats for trout. This work included fence construction, boom cover and wing dam construction, vehicle maintenance, maintenance of fish hatchery facilities, and development of several campgrounds along the Wolf River in northeast Wisconsin.