Partial Client List

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Preformed surveys of breeding birds.

Monitored wildlife using camera trapping techniques.

Performed winter track surveys for carnivores (with an emphasis on gray wolves).

USDA Forest Service

Washington Office

Reviewed the scientific basis for a challenge under the Data Quality Act of Schommer, T. J., and M. M. Woolever. 2008. Disease related conflicts between domestic sheep and goats and bighorn sheep. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-209.

Southwest Idaho National Forests

Provided the science background for development of a Wildlife Conservation Strategy for the Boise, Payette, and Sawtooth national forests.

National Wildlife Ecology Unit

Contributed to the development of the Wildlife Habitat Monitoring Technical Guide.

Pacific Northwest Region

Synthesized and summarized results of a questionnaire regarding the opinions and knowledge of Pacific Northwest Region Forest Service employees of management of National Forests to address climate change.

Contributed to the development and documentation of a process to assess the sustainability of wildlife species of conservation concern east of the Cascade Mountains in Washington and Oregon.

Alaska Region

Brown bears and human use at the Russian River - developing monitoring strategies to evaluate the effectiveness of management actions on the Russian River.

Analysis of risk to sensitive habitats and wildlife species in Prince William Sound from increasing human use.

Correlation of the vegetation maps resulting from application of the Size-Density Model with habitat of select wildlife species on the Tongass National Forest.

Development of habitat quality index models for species of conservation concern on the Tongass National Forest incorporating new vegetation maps resulting from application of the Size-Density Model.

Summarization of relevant past and ongoing young-growth monitoring that pertains to wildlife on the Tongass National Forest.

Development of monitoring protocols following young growth treatments on the Tongass National Forest.

Development of protocols to monitor old-growth forest structural classes on the Tongass National Forest.

Evaluation and technical review of proposed approach to model habitat suitability for sensitive plants on the Tongass National Forest.

Evaluation and technical review of proposed approach to evaluate the integrity of the old-growth forest habitat conservation strategy on the Tongass National Forest.

Elsevier Publishing, an international publishing and analytics company specializing in scientific, technical, and medical content

Edited 38 chapters in the freshwater section of Goldstein M. I., and DellaSala, D. A., (eds.) Encyclopedia of the world’s biomes. Elsevier: Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Edited 30 chapters in the freshwater section of Goldstein M. I., and DellaSala, D. A., (eds.) Encyclopedia of imperiled ecosystems of the world. Elsevier: Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Friends of McNeil River (Alaska)

Reviewed the potential impacts on brown bears of the proposed road, natural gas pipeline, road corridor, and port facility associated with the Pebble Mine Project.

USDI Fish and Wildlife Service - Anchorage Fish and Wildlife Field Office

Characterization of bald eagle habitat and population in the Bristol Bay watershed.

US Environmental Protection Agency

Evaluation of exposure-response relationships of bald eagles associated with the consequences of large-scale mining, and mining-related development.

HDR Alaska, Inc. & Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities

Development of an information needs assessment and study plan to determine movement corridors for focal wildlife species on the Kenai Peninsula.

Habitat use and movement patterns of focal species on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.

The Keystone Center - Keystone, Colorado

Participated in Keystone independent science panels on the potential development of the Pebble Mine in Alaska: baseline study review - large mammals.

Alaska Audubon and The Nature Conservancy

Participated in the Tongass Science Conference to discuss opportunities to integrate fundamental concepts of conservation biology into management strategies for conserving the biodiversity and ecological integrity of the Tongass National Forest.

Slang Farms L.L.C.

We facilitated implementation of the forest management plan developed under the Wisconsin Managed Forest Law. Forest management is certified under the American Tree Farm System and the Forest Stewardship Council.

We implemented the CRP SAFE – Pollinator and Monarch Habitat project with direction from the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service.