Our firm is based on many years of successful experience in developing and administering wildlife and fish research, monitoring, inventory, and habitat management projects.
Personnel in our company have extensive experience in describing the relationships between wildlife or fish populations and their habitats. Our personnel have broad backgrounds in the description and analysis of terrestrial and aquatic habitats from individual components to landscapes.
We provide expertise in developing, compiling, and synthesizing large data sets. We have also developed and applied numerous techniques to model habitat suitability and quality (e.g., Habitat Suitability Indices, Bayesian Belief Networks) using large data sets to assess the effects of landscape management alternatives on wildlife and fish habitats and populations.
We have demonstrated experience in preparing technical and professional reports and publications that are scientifically sound (e.g., peer reviewed) based either on information collected by our company or by other organizations. Our final products, whether digital or print, are consistently of the highest quality and present project results clearly and attractively.
We provide a structured approach to identify and describe potential effects of climate change on wildlife populations and their management. The results allow us to design land management and conservation actions that can help reduce risk and increase the ability to cope with changing conditions. This work is intended to provide perspective, information, and tools to wildlife managers considering how to adapt ecosystems to a changing climate.
We are Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle (UAV) specialists offering real-time video and high resolution aerial imaging services. We provide professionally-trained and certified remote pilots, flight planning logistics, and carry full liability insurance for all commercial UAV services.