Gaines, W. L., A. L. Lyons, and L. H. Suring. In Review. Viability of an old-forest species with limited vagility: the red tree vole. Biodiversity and Conservation.
Rowland, M. M., L. H. Suring, and C. D. Vojta. Sound solutions for habitat monitoring. The Wildlife Professional 9:40-43
Shanley, C. S., S. Pyare, M. I. Goldstein, P. B. Alaback, D. M. Albert, C. M. Beier, T. J. Brinkman, R. T. Edwards, E. Hood, A. MacKinnon, M. V. McPhee, T. M. Patterson, L. H. Suring, D. A. Tallmon, and M. S. Wipfli. Climate change implications in the northern coastal temperate rainforest of North America. Climate Research 130:155-170.
Suring, L. H., W. L. Gaines, B. C. Wales, K. Mellen-McLean, J. S. Begley, and S. Mohoric. Maintaining populations of terrestrial wildlife through land management planning: a case study. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:945-958. (View as pdf)
Goldstein, M. I., A. J. Poe, L. H. Suring, R. M. Nielson, and T. L. McDonald. Brown bear den habitat and winter recreation in south-central Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:35-42.(View as pdf)
Suring, L. H., M. I. Goldstein, S. M. Howell, and C. S. Nations. Response of the cover of berry-producing species to ecological factors on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 1244-1259.(View as pdf)
Wales, B. C., L. H. Suring, and M. A. Hemstrom. Modeling potential outcomes of fire and fuel management scenarios on the structure of forested habitats in northeast Oregon, USA. Landscape and Urban Planning 80:223-236(View as pdf)
Lance, E. W., S. M. Howell, B. K. Lance, S. Howlin, L. H. Suring, and M. I. Goldstein. Spruce beetles and timber harvest in Alaska: implications for northern red-backed voles. Forest Ecology and Management 222:476-479.(View as pdf)
Rowland, M. M., M. J. Wisdom, L. H. Suring, and C. W. Meinke. Greater sage-grouse as an umbrella species for sagebrush-associated vertebrates. Biological Conservation 129:323-335. (View as pdf)
Suring, L. H., S. D. Farley, G. V. Hilderbrand, M. I. Goldstein, S. Howlin, and W. P. Erickson. Patterns of landscape use by female brown bears on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:1580-1587.(View as pdf)
Suring, L. H., M. I. Goldstein, S. Howell, and C. S. Nations. Effects of spruce beetle infestations on berry productivity on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Forest Ecology and Management 227:247-256. (View as pdf)
Vesely, D. B. C. McComb, C. D. Vojta, L. H. Suring, J. Halaj, R. S. Holthausen, B. Zuckerberg, and P. M. Manley. Development of protocols to inventory or monitor wildlife, fish, or rare plants. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report GTR-WO-72.(View as pdf)
Suring, L. H., and G. Del Frate. Spatial analysis of locations of brown bears killed in defense of life or property on the Kenai Peninsula. Ursus 13:237-245. (View as pdf)
Murphy, K. A., L. H. Suring, and A. Iliff. Human use and wildlife disturbance - establishing the baseline for management in western Prince William Sound, Alaska. Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial Coastal GeoTools Conference, 8-11 January 2001, Charleston, South Carolina. (View as pdf)
Samuels, W., K. Zeiner, R. Kunibe, C. Fries, D. Sklarew, C. Gaunt, M. Fene, L. Suring, L. Patrick, and J. Hock. Development of the Cook Inlet Information Management and Monitoring System. Proceedings of Watershed 2000. Water Environment Federation, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (View as pdf)
Suring, L. H., K. R. Barber, C. C. Schwartz, T. N. Bailey, W. C. Shuster, and M. D. Tetreau. Analysis of cumulative effects on brown bears on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Ursus 10:107-117. (View as pdf)
Suring, L. H., and C. Sterne. Winter habitat use by moose in south-central Alaska. Alces 34:139-147.
Schoen, J. W., R. W. Flynn, L. H. Suring, K. Titus, and L. R. Beier. Habitat capability model for brown bear in southeast Alaska. International Conference on Bear Research and Management 9:327-337. (View as pdf)
Suring, L.H. and E.J. DeGayner, III. Modelling habitat capability for forest wildlife in southeast Alaska using a corporate database. Transactions of the Western Section of The Wildlife Society 26:1-7. (View as pdf)
Samson, F. B., P. Alaback, J. Christner, T. DeMeo, A. Doyle, J. Martin, J. McKibben, M. Orme, L. Suring, K. Thompson, B. G. Wilson, D. A. Anderson, R. W. Flynn, J. W. Schoen, L. G. Shea, and J. L. Franklin. Conservation of rain forests in Southeast Alaska: Report of a working group. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 54:121-133.
Gavin, T. A., L. H. Suring, P. A. Vohs, Jr., and E. C. Meslow. Population characteristics, spatial organization, and natural mortality in the Columbian white-tailed deer. Wildlife Monographs 91. (View as pdf)
Suring, L. H., and C. J. Ault. Flycatching behavior by American kestrels. Southwestern Naturalist 26:76. (View as pdf)
Suring, L. H., and P. A. Vohs, Jr. Habitat use by Columbian white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 43:610-619. (View as pdf)
Nye, P. E., and L. H. Suring. Observations concerning a wintering population of bald eagles on an area in southeastern New York. New York Fish and Game Journal 25:91-107.
Nye, P. E., and L.H. Suring. Preliminary management recommendations concerning a bald eagle wintering area in New York State. Transactions of the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference 34:87-98 -and- Addendum 34:39-45.